Monday, August 8, 2011

Revelation Outline

I. Chapter 1 - Introduction
     A. The person of Christ (vs 1)
     B. The purpose of the Book (vs 1)
     C. The pattern of the Book (vs 1-2)
     D. The promise of the Book (vs 3)
     E. The presentation of Christ (vs 4-20)

II. Chapter 2-3 - Seven Churches
     A. Ephesus (2:1-7)
          1. The concept of Christ (vs 1)
          2. The comprehension of Christ (vs 2-3)
          3. The condemnation of Christ (vs 4)
          4. The conditions of Christ (vs 5)
          5. The commendation of Christ (vs 6)
          6. The call of Christ (vs 7)
     B. Smyrna (2:8-11)
          1. The presentation of Christ (vs 8)
          2. The encouragement of Christ (vs 9)
          3. The commands of Christ (vs 10-11)
     C. Pergamos (2:12-17)
          1. The view of Christ (vs 12)
          2. The victories of Christ (vs 13)
          3. The vices of the Church (vs 14-15)
          4. The venting of Christ's wrath (vs 16)
          5. The voice of Christ (vs 17)
     D. Thyratira (2:18-29)
          1. Christ recognized (vs 18)
          2. Good revealed (vs 19)
          3. Bad rejected (vs 20-23)
          4. Faithfulness rewarded (vs 24-29)
     E. Sardis (3:1-6)
          1. The ministry of Christ (vs 1)
          2. The message of Christ (vs 2-3)
          3. The motive of Christ (vs 4)
          4. The mind of Christ (vs 5-6)
     F. Philadelphia (3:7-13)
          1. The overview of Christ (vs 7)
          2. The optimism of Christ (vs 8)
          3. The opposition against Christ (vs 9)
          4. The obvious reward from Christ (vs 10)
          5. The overcoming for Christ (vs 11-13)
     G. Laodicea (3:14-22)
          1. The Author (vs 14)
          2. The attitude of the Church (vs 15 - 17)
          3. The assessment of Christ (vs 17)
          4. The advice of Christ (vs 18-19)
          5. The assurance of Christ (vs 20-22)

III. Chapter 4 - The Throne of God
     A. It's Occupant (vs 1-3)
     B. It's opperations (vs 5-6)
     C. It's observers (vs 4, 7-11)

IV. Chapter 5 - The Worthy Christ
     A. The sealed book (vs 1)
     B. The search for one worthy (vs 2-4)
     C. The Slain Lamb. (vs 5-7)
     D. The supplication of the saints (vs 8)
     E. The song of the beasts and elders (vs 9-10)
     F. The shout in the heavens (vs 11-12)
     G. The submission of all creation (vs 13-14)

V. Chapter 6 - The 1st six of the seven seals
     A. Seal 1 - The white horse and it's rider (vs 1-2)
     B. Seal 2 - The red horse and it's rider (vs 3-4)
     C. Seal 3 - The black horse and it's rider (vs 5-6)
     D. Seal 4 - The pale horse and it's rider (vs 7-8)
     E. Seal 5 - The martyred souls  (vs 9-11)
     F. Seal 6 - The signs of earth and heaven (vs 12-17)

VI. Chapter 7 - God's Ability
     A. To start and stop creation (vs 1-3)
     B. To seal his servants (vs 3-8)
          1. A complete work
          2. A comforting work
          3. A consecutive work (4-8)
     C. To save the nations (vs 9-17)
          1. In spite of language or cultural barriers (vs 9)
          2. In spite of circumstantial barriers - The tribulation
              a. Saved (vs 14)
              b. Serving (vs 15)
              c. Safe (vs 16)
              d. Satisfied (vs 17)

VII. Chapter 8-9 - The seventh seal
     A. The time of silence (8:1)
     B. The trumpets given (8:2)
     C. The two uses of the golden censor (8:3-6)
     D. The six of seven trumpets sounded (8:7 - 9)
          1. Trumpet 1 - hail, fire, blood
          2. Trumpet 2 - great burning mountain cast into the sea
          3. Trumpet 3 - great star (wormwood) falls into the rivers
          4. Trumpet 4 - 1/3 of the lights of heaven darkened
          5. Trumpet 5 - key given to open the bottomless pit (The 1st woe)
          6. Trumpet 6 - loosing of the 4 angels to slay the third part of men

VIII. Chapter 10 - Two things of note
     A. The mighty angel (vs 1-7)
          1. His person (vs 1)
          2. His possession (vs 2)
          3. His position (vs 2)
          4. His power (vs 3-4)
          5. His proclamation (vs 5-7)
     B. The minuscule book (vs 8-11)
          1. sweet to the obedient
          2. bitter to the rebel

IX. Chapter 11 - Preparation for the coming kingdom
     A. The temple measured (vs 1)
     B. The time of the Gentiles (vs 2)
     C. The two witnesses (vs 3-12)
     D. The termination of the sixth trumpet (vs 13-14)
     E. The seventh trumpet sounded (vs 15-18)
     F. The Temple in heaven opened (vs 19)

X. Chapters 12-13 - Seven Personages
     A. The Woman Israel (vs 1-2)
     B. The Red Dragon (vs 3-4)
     C. The Child (vs 5-6)
     D. The Arch Angel Michael (vs 7-17)
     E. The Jewish Remnant (vs 17)
     F. The Beast out of the Sea (vs 1-10)
     G. The Beast out of the earth (vs 11-18)

XI. Chapter 14 - Eight Considerations in Judgment of the earth
     A. The Lamb (vs 1)
     B. The 144,000 (vs 2-5)
     C. The Angel with the everlasting gospel (vs 6-9)
     D. The 2nd angel  with the destruction of Babylon (vs 8)
     E. The 3rd angel  with the doom of the beast and his worshippers (vs 9-11)
     F. The Patience of the saints  (vs 12-13)
     G. The Reaping of the earth (vs 14-16)
     H. The Vision of Armageddon (vs 17-20)

XII. Chapter 15 - Six considerations before the pouring out of the vials
     A. The sign in heaven (vs 1)
     B. The sea of glass (vs 2)
     C. The standing saints (vs 3)
     D. The singing saints (vs 3-4)
     E. The seven angels (vs 6-7)
     F. The smoke of God's glory (vs 8) - Holy Wrath

XIII. Chapter 16 - 18 - Seven great things
     A. A great voice (vs 1)
     B. A great wrath (vs 2-21)
     C. A great rebellion (9, 11, 21)
     D. A great warning (vs 15)
     E. A great gathering (vs 16)
     F. A great whore (chapter 17)
     H. A great judgment (chapter 18)

XIV. Chapter 19 - Four Perspectives
     A. Rejoicing in Heaven (vs 1-6)
     B. Readiness of the Bride (vs 7-10)
     C. Return of Christ (vs 11-16)
     D. Result of Armageddon (vs 17-21)

XV. Chapter 20 - Seven Dooms
     A. Doom of Babylon (Ch 17-18)
     B. Doom of the Beast (19:19)
     C. Doom of the false Prophet (19:20)
     D. Doom of the remnant armies (19:21)
          - Establishment of the Millenial Kingdom (20:1-6)
     E. Doom of Gog and Magog (20:7-9)
     F. Doom of Satan (20:10)
     G. Doom of the Wicked Dead (20:11-15)

XVI. Chapter 21-22 - Seven New Things
     A. A New Heaven (vs 1)
     B. A New Earth (vs 1)
     C. A New People (vs 2-8)
     D. A New Jerusalem (vs 9-21)
     E. A New Temple (vs 22)
     F. A New Light ( vs 23-27)
     G. A New Paradise (Chapter 22)

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