Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hebrews Outline

I. The Superiority of Christ in his Person (1:1 - 4:13)
     A. Better than the Prophets (1:1-3)
     B. Better than the Angels (1:4-2:4)
          1. Inheritance (1:4)
          2. Inspiration (1:5-13)
          3. Intention (1:14)
          4. Invitation (2:1-4)
     C. Better than the Creation (2:5-8)
     D. Better than the Brethren (2:9-18)
          1. He tasted death for every man (9)
          2. He is the Captain of their salvation (10)
          3. He is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy (11-13)
          4. He emptied Himself  (14)
          5. He destroyed the Devil (14)
          6. He delivered the bound (15-18)
     E. Better than Moses (3:1-6)
          1. He built a better house (1-4)
          2. He is the Son not the servant (5-6)
      F. Better than the Sabbath (3:7-4:16)
II. The Superiority of Christ in his Priesthood (4:14-10:18)
     A. The Call to acknowledge our Great High Priest (4:14-16)
     B. The Comparison of three great High Priests 5:1-10)
          1. Aaron (5:1-4)
          2. Christ (5:5-9)
          3. Melchisedec (5:6-10)
     C. The Concern over Spiritual Immaturity (5:11-6:12)
          1. The Pictures of Immaturity (5:11-14)
               a. Dull of hearing (11)
               b. Untaught (12)
               c. Babies (13)
          2. The Problems of Immaturity (6:1-6)
          3. The Parable of Immaturity (6:7-9)
          4. The Persuasion of Maturity (6:10-12)
          5. The Print of Maturity (6:13-19)
     D. The Connection of Melchisedec (6:19-7)
          1. The History of Melchisedec (7:1-3)
               a. His Place (1)
               b. His Person (2-3)
          2. The Tithes to Melchisedec (7:4-10)
          3. The Order of Melchisedec (7:11-28)
               a. A Better Hope (19)
               b. A Better Oath (21)
               c. A Better Testament (22)
               d. A Better Priesthood (24)
               e. A Better Salvation (25)
               f. A Better Person (27)
     E. The Conditions of the New Covenant (8:1-10:37)
          1. A True Tabernacle (8:2)
          2. A Better Covenant (8:6)
          3. A Greater Blood (9:7-12)
          4. A Shadow in the Law (10:1)
          5. A Separation of the Veil (10:8) cf Mt 27:51
III. The Superiority of Christ in His Path (10:38-13)
     A. The Way of Faith (Ch 11)
          1. The Definition of Faith (1-5)
               Example 1- Able
               Example 2 - Enoch
          2. The Constitution of Faith (6-19)
               Example 1 - Noah
               Example 2: Abraham
          3. The Progression of Faith (13-14)
               Example 1 - Counting on God's Purpose
                    a. Isaac
                    b. Jacob
                    c. Joseph
               Example 2 - Moses - Counting on God's Provision
                    a. His Lineage (23)
                    b. His Loyalty (24-26)
                    c. His Looking (27)
                    d. His Listening (28)
                    e. His Leadership (29)
                Example 3 - Counting on God's Providence
                    a. Named People
                    b. Famed People
                        i. Delivered from the Enemy
                        ii. Delivered to the Enemy
     B. The Will to Follow (Chapter 12)
          1. The Call to Follow (1-3)
          2. The Chastening of the Father (4-11)
          3. The Caution to the Failing 12-29)
               a. Responsibility (12-15)
               b. Rejection (16-17)
               c. Regeneration (18-24)
               d. Reverence (25-29)
     C. The Work to Finish (Chapter 13)
          1. Christian Service (1-9)
          2. Christian Separation (10-14)
          3. Christian Sacrifice (15-16)
          4. Christian Submission (17)
          5. Christian Satisfaction (20-21)
          6. Christian Salute (22-25)

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