I. Paul's Greeting (1:1-5)
A. God's Call (vs 1)
B. God's People (vs 2)
C. God's Blessings (vs 3)
C. God's Salvation (vs 4)
D. God's Glory (vs 5)
II. Paul's Marvelling (1:6-9)
A. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Rom 1)
B. The Gospel is the plan of God for Salvation (1Cor. 15:1-4)
III. Paul's Calling (1:10-2:16)
A. Pleasing God (1:10-15)
B. Pursuing God (1:11-2:14)
IV. Paul's Defending (2:15-5:12)
A. Legalism Called another Gospel (Ch 1)
B. Legalism Demonstrated (Acts 15:1, 5)
C. Legalism Refuted (Gal 2:15-5:12)
1. Legalism frustrates the grace of God (2:15-21)
2. Legalism disobeys the truth (3:1)
3. Legalism rejects the reality of the Holy Spirit (3:2-5)
4. Legalism compromises the Abrahamic covenant (3:6-18)
5. Legalism rejects the purpose of the law (3:19-24)
6. Legalism shuns true faith and sonship (3:25-4:7)
7. Legalism accepts bondage over blessedness (4:8-18)
D.Legalism illustrated through allegory (4:19-31)
1. 2 sons (Gen 16-21)
a. Ishmael - Flesh
b. Isaac - Faith
2. 2 covenants
a. Mosaic - Death (Ex 19:5-8)
b. New - Life (Jer 31:31)
3. 2 Jerusalems
a. Earthly
b. Heavenly
E. Legalism is falling from grace (5:1-12) cf (1Jn 2:18-19) (1Cor 15:2) (Gal 4:19-20)
* not saving grace but the grace that God has offered his gift.
1. Liberty (vs 1)
2. Love (vs 6)
3. Leaven (vs 9)
F. Legalism was rejected by the Church (Acts 15:6-31)
V. Paul's Exhorting (5:13-6:17)
A. Love vs Lust (5:13-17)
B. Leadership vs Law (5:16-26)
1. Directive (16)
2. Dichotomy (17)
3. Deliverance (18)
4. Darkness (19-21)
5. Delight (20-23)
C. Living vs Laboring (5:25-6:10)
1. Refuse prideful behavior (5:26)
2. Restore overtaken brethren (6:1-3)
3. Rejoice in your own work (6:4-5)
4. Reimburse your teachers (6:6)
5. Reap (6:7-9)
6. Render good to all (6:10)
D. Looking vs Leaving (6:11-16)
1. Paul's large letter (6:11)
2. People who glory in the flesh of others (6:12-13)
3. Preachers who glory in the cross (6:14)
4. Peace to those who discount circumcision but value new creatures (6:15-16)
IV. Paul's Closing (6:17-18)
A. Authority through suffering (vs 17)
B. Availability of grace (vs 18)
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