I. Paul's Encouragement to Timothy (Chapter 1:1-5)
A. Delivery of Foundational truth (vs 1)
1. Understanding of God's will
2. Under girding of God's promise
B. Declaration of Affection (vs 2)
1. Paul's love for Timothy
2. God's love for Timothy
C. Demonstration of Power (vs 3)
1. Thanking God
2. Serving God
3. Praying to God
D. Demonstration of Godliness (vs 4)
1. Desire to comfort Timothy
2. Being mindful of Timothy's tears cf (Ps 56:8)
II. Paul's Exhortation to Timothy (Chapter 1:6 - Chapter 2)
A. Stir up God's Gift (1:6)
B. See God's Resources (1:7)
C. Show God's Testimony (1:8-11)
D. Suffer God's Reproach (1:12-18)
E. Strengthened by God's Grace (2:1-7)
1. Strength to not be ashamed (1)
2. Strength to commit to faithful men (2)
3. Strength to Fight (3-4)
4. Strength to Run (5)
5. Strength to Wait (6)
6. Strength to receive understanding (7)
F. Suffer in God's Power (2:8-13)
G. Study God's Word (2:14-18)
H. Sanctify yourself (2:19-26)
III. Paul's Examination of Last Days for Timothy (Chapter 3)
A. The People of Perilous Times (1-9)
1. Their sins (vs 1-5) cf (Rom 1:28-32)
2. Their sort (vs 6-8)
3. Their suspension (vs 9)
B. The Persecutions of Perilous Times (vs 10-13)
1. Doctrine (10)
2. Determination (11)
3. Deliverance (11)
4. Distress (12)
5. Deception (13)
C. The Perseverance in Perilous Times (vs 14-17)
1. Continue in the Scriptures (14)
2. Confident in Salvation (15)
3. Complete for Service (16-17)
IV. Paul's Example to Timothy (Chapter 4)
A. A Charge to Keep (1-5)
B. A Course to Finish (6-8)
1. Ready to meet Christ (6)
2. Remembering Faithfulness (7)
3. Rejoicing in Reward (8)
C. A Cloke to Bring (9-13)
1. Diligence (9)
2. Departure (10)
3. Desire for Mark (11)
4. Dispatch of Tychicus (12)
5. Discovering priority (13)
D. A Coppersmith to Consider (14-18)
1. The Vengeance of the Lord (14) cf (Rom 12:19-21)
2. The Voice of Silence (16)
3. The Victory in Christ (17-18)
E. A Closing to Appreciate (19-22)
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