I. The Light of the Creation (1-6)
A. The Heavens – Idea of loftiness - The visible sky
B. The Firmament – Idea of expanse
* The support of the waters / planets – God's vault
(Gen 1:6-20) (Psalm 150:1) (Ezk 1:22-26/10:1) (Dan 12:3)
* The greatness of the sun declares the greatness of the firmament. The Firmament is a house for the sun.
II. The Light of the Canon (7-10)
A. The description of the Scriptures (vs 7-9)
1. Law – Torah – divine instruction or direction
2. Testimony – The witness of God's Word concerning God's person and works
3. Statutes – The formal decree or edict given by God as ruler and lawgiver
4. Commandment – here the singular (break one, you have broken all! -
(James 2:10) mitzvah – Jews know it as a good deed in keeping the command of God
5. Fear – terror, reverence, respect – cf Ex 20:18 / Rev 1:17
Notice the times in Scripture that a fear of God precedes a positive relationship with God!
6. Judgments – the decisions of a judge
B. The desire for the Scriptures (vs 10)
III. The Light of the Conscience
A. Warning (11)
B. Understanding (12)
C. Guarding (13)
D. Pleasing (14)
Friday, August 12, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Revelation Outline
I. Chapter 1 - Introduction
A. The person of Christ (vs 1)
B. The purpose of the Book (vs 1)
C. The pattern of the Book (vs 1-2)
D. The promise of the Book (vs 3)
E. The presentation of Christ (vs 4-20)
II. Chapter 2-3 - Seven Churches
A. Ephesus (2:1-7)
1. The concept of Christ (vs 1)
2. The comprehension of Christ (vs 2-3)
3. The condemnation of Christ (vs 4)
4. The conditions of Christ (vs 5)
5. The commendation of Christ (vs 6)
6. The call of Christ (vs 7)
B. Smyrna (2:8-11)
1. The presentation of Christ (vs 8)
2. The encouragement of Christ (vs 9)
3. The commands of Christ (vs 10-11)
C. Pergamos (2:12-17)
1. The view of Christ (vs 12)
2. The victories of Christ (vs 13)
3. The vices of the Church (vs 14-15)
4. The venting of Christ's wrath (vs 16)
5. The voice of Christ (vs 17)
D. Thyratira (2:18-29)
1. Christ recognized (vs 18)
2. Good revealed (vs 19)
3. Bad rejected (vs 20-23)
4. Faithfulness rewarded (vs 24-29)
E. Sardis (3:1-6)
1. The ministry of Christ (vs 1)
2. The message of Christ (vs 2-3)
3. The motive of Christ (vs 4)
4. The mind of Christ (vs 5-6)
F. Philadelphia (3:7-13)
1. The overview of Christ (vs 7)
2. The optimism of Christ (vs 8)
3. The opposition against Christ (vs 9)
4. The obvious reward from Christ (vs 10)
5. The overcoming for Christ (vs 11-13)
G. Laodicea (3:14-22)
1. The Author (vs 14)
2. The attitude of the Church (vs 15 - 17)
3. The assessment of Christ (vs 17)
4. The advice of Christ (vs 18-19)
5. The assurance of Christ (vs 20-22)
III. Chapter 4 - The Throne of God
A. It's Occupant (vs 1-3)
B. It's opperations (vs 5-6)
C. It's observers (vs 4, 7-11)
IV. Chapter 5 - The Worthy Christ
A. The sealed book (vs 1)
B. The search for one worthy (vs 2-4)
C. The Slain Lamb. (vs 5-7)
D. The supplication of the saints (vs 8)
E. The song of the beasts and elders (vs 9-10)
F. The shout in the heavens (vs 11-12)
G. The submission of all creation (vs 13-14)
V. Chapter 6 - The 1st six of the seven seals
A. Seal 1 - The white horse and it's rider (vs 1-2)
B. Seal 2 - The red horse and it's rider (vs 3-4)
C. Seal 3 - The black horse and it's rider (vs 5-6)
D. Seal 4 - The pale horse and it's rider (vs 7-8)
E. Seal 5 - The martyred souls (vs 9-11)
F. Seal 6 - The signs of earth and heaven (vs 12-17)
VI. Chapter 7 - God's Ability
A. To start and stop creation (vs 1-3)
B. To seal his servants (vs 3-8)
1. A complete work
2. A comforting work
3. A consecutive work (4-8)
C. To save the nations (vs 9-17)
1. In spite of language or cultural barriers (vs 9)
2. In spite of circumstantial barriers - The tribulation
a. Saved (vs 14)
b. Serving (vs 15)
c. Safe (vs 16)
d. Satisfied (vs 17)
VII. Chapter 8-9 - The seventh seal
A. The time of silence (8:1)
B. The trumpets given (8:2)
C. The two uses of the golden censor (8:3-6)
D. The six of seven trumpets sounded (8:7 - 9)
1. Trumpet 1 - hail, fire, blood
2. Trumpet 2 - great burning mountain cast into the sea
3. Trumpet 3 - great star (wormwood) falls into the rivers
4. Trumpet 4 - 1/3 of the lights of heaven darkened
5. Trumpet 5 - key given to open the bottomless pit (The 1st woe)
6. Trumpet 6 - loosing of the 4 angels to slay the third part of men
VIII. Chapter 10 - Two things of note
A. The mighty angel (vs 1-7)
1. His person (vs 1)
2. His possession (vs 2)
3. His position (vs 2)
4. His power (vs 3-4)
5. His proclamation (vs 5-7)
B. The minuscule book (vs 8-11)
1. sweet to the obedient
2. bitter to the rebel
IX. Chapter 11 - Preparation for the coming kingdom
A. The temple measured (vs 1)
B. The time of the Gentiles (vs 2)
C. The two witnesses (vs 3-12)
D. The termination of the sixth trumpet (vs 13-14)
E. The seventh trumpet sounded (vs 15-18)
F. The Temple in heaven opened (vs 19)
X. Chapters 12-13 - Seven Personages
A. The Woman Israel (vs 1-2)
B. The Red Dragon (vs 3-4)
C. The Child (vs 5-6)
D. The Arch Angel Michael (vs 7-17)
E. The Jewish Remnant (vs 17)
F. The Beast out of the Sea (vs 1-10)
G. The Beast out of the earth (vs 11-18)
XI. Chapter 14 - Eight Considerations in Judgment of the earth
A. The Lamb (vs 1)
B. The 144,000 (vs 2-5)
C. The Angel with the everlasting gospel (vs 6-9)
D. The 2nd angel with the destruction of Babylon (vs 8)
E. The 3rd angel with the doom of the beast and his worshippers (vs 9-11)
F. The Patience of the saints (vs 12-13)
G. The Reaping of the earth (vs 14-16)
H. The Vision of Armageddon (vs 17-20)
XII. Chapter 15 - Six considerations before the pouring out of the vials
A. The sign in heaven (vs 1)
B. The sea of glass (vs 2)
C. The standing saints (vs 3)
D. The singing saints (vs 3-4)
E. The seven angels (vs 6-7)
F. The smoke of God's glory (vs 8) - Holy Wrath
XIII. Chapter 16 - 18 - Seven great things
A. A great voice (vs 1)
B. A great wrath (vs 2-21)
C. A great rebellion (9, 11, 21)
D. A great warning (vs 15)
E. A great gathering (vs 16)
F. A great whore (chapter 17)
H. A great judgment (chapter 18)
XIV. Chapter 19 - Four Perspectives
A. Rejoicing in Heaven (vs 1-6)
B. Readiness of the Bride (vs 7-10)
C. Return of Christ (vs 11-16)
D. Result of Armageddon (vs 17-21)
XV. Chapter 20 - Seven Dooms
A. Doom of Babylon (Ch 17-18)
B. Doom of the Beast (19:19)
C. Doom of the false Prophet (19:20)
D. Doom of the remnant armies (19:21)
- Establishment of the Millenial Kingdom (20:1-6)
E. Doom of Gog and Magog (20:7-9)
F. Doom of Satan (20:10)
G. Doom of the Wicked Dead (20:11-15)
XVI. Chapter 21-22 - Seven New Things
A. A New Heaven (vs 1)
B. A New Earth (vs 1)
C. A New People (vs 2-8)
D. A New Jerusalem (vs 9-21)
E. A New Temple (vs 22)
F. A New Light ( vs 23-27)
G. A New Paradise (Chapter 22)
A. The person of Christ (vs 1)
B. The purpose of the Book (vs 1)
C. The pattern of the Book (vs 1-2)
D. The promise of the Book (vs 3)
E. The presentation of Christ (vs 4-20)
II. Chapter 2-3 - Seven Churches
A. Ephesus (2:1-7)
1. The concept of Christ (vs 1)
2. The comprehension of Christ (vs 2-3)
3. The condemnation of Christ (vs 4)
4. The conditions of Christ (vs 5)
5. The commendation of Christ (vs 6)
6. The call of Christ (vs 7)
B. Smyrna (2:8-11)
1. The presentation of Christ (vs 8)
2. The encouragement of Christ (vs 9)
3. The commands of Christ (vs 10-11)
C. Pergamos (2:12-17)
1. The view of Christ (vs 12)
2. The victories of Christ (vs 13)
3. The vices of the Church (vs 14-15)
4. The venting of Christ's wrath (vs 16)
5. The voice of Christ (vs 17)
D. Thyratira (2:18-29)
1. Christ recognized (vs 18)
2. Good revealed (vs 19)
3. Bad rejected (vs 20-23)
4. Faithfulness rewarded (vs 24-29)
E. Sardis (3:1-6)
1. The ministry of Christ (vs 1)
2. The message of Christ (vs 2-3)
3. The motive of Christ (vs 4)
4. The mind of Christ (vs 5-6)
F. Philadelphia (3:7-13)
1. The overview of Christ (vs 7)
2. The optimism of Christ (vs 8)
3. The opposition against Christ (vs 9)
4. The obvious reward from Christ (vs 10)
5. The overcoming for Christ (vs 11-13)
G. Laodicea (3:14-22)
1. The Author (vs 14)
2. The attitude of the Church (vs 15 - 17)
3. The assessment of Christ (vs 17)
4. The advice of Christ (vs 18-19)
5. The assurance of Christ (vs 20-22)
III. Chapter 4 - The Throne of God
A. It's Occupant (vs 1-3)
B. It's opperations (vs 5-6)
C. It's observers (vs 4, 7-11)
IV. Chapter 5 - The Worthy Christ
A. The sealed book (vs 1)
B. The search for one worthy (vs 2-4)
C. The Slain Lamb. (vs 5-7)
D. The supplication of the saints (vs 8)
E. The song of the beasts and elders (vs 9-10)
F. The shout in the heavens (vs 11-12)
G. The submission of all creation (vs 13-14)
V. Chapter 6 - The 1st six of the seven seals
A. Seal 1 - The white horse and it's rider (vs 1-2)
B. Seal 2 - The red horse and it's rider (vs 3-4)
C. Seal 3 - The black horse and it's rider (vs 5-6)
D. Seal 4 - The pale horse and it's rider (vs 7-8)
E. Seal 5 - The martyred souls (vs 9-11)
F. Seal 6 - The signs of earth and heaven (vs 12-17)
VI. Chapter 7 - God's Ability
A. To start and stop creation (vs 1-3)
B. To seal his servants (vs 3-8)
1. A complete work
2. A comforting work
3. A consecutive work (4-8)
C. To save the nations (vs 9-17)
1. In spite of language or cultural barriers (vs 9)
2. In spite of circumstantial barriers - The tribulation
a. Saved (vs 14)
b. Serving (vs 15)
c. Safe (vs 16)
d. Satisfied (vs 17)
VII. Chapter 8-9 - The seventh seal
A. The time of silence (8:1)
B. The trumpets given (8:2)
C. The two uses of the golden censor (8:3-6)
D. The six of seven trumpets sounded (8:7 - 9)
1. Trumpet 1 - hail, fire, blood
2. Trumpet 2 - great burning mountain cast into the sea
3. Trumpet 3 - great star (wormwood) falls into the rivers
4. Trumpet 4 - 1/3 of the lights of heaven darkened
5. Trumpet 5 - key given to open the bottomless pit (The 1st woe)
6. Trumpet 6 - loosing of the 4 angels to slay the third part of men
VIII. Chapter 10 - Two things of note
A. The mighty angel (vs 1-7)
1. His person (vs 1)
2. His possession (vs 2)
3. His position (vs 2)
4. His power (vs 3-4)
5. His proclamation (vs 5-7)
B. The minuscule book (vs 8-11)
1. sweet to the obedient
2. bitter to the rebel
IX. Chapter 11 - Preparation for the coming kingdom
A. The temple measured (vs 1)
B. The time of the Gentiles (vs 2)
C. The two witnesses (vs 3-12)
D. The termination of the sixth trumpet (vs 13-14)
E. The seventh trumpet sounded (vs 15-18)
F. The Temple in heaven opened (vs 19)
X. Chapters 12-13 - Seven Personages
A. The Woman Israel (vs 1-2)
B. The Red Dragon (vs 3-4)
C. The Child (vs 5-6)
D. The Arch Angel Michael (vs 7-17)
E. The Jewish Remnant (vs 17)
F. The Beast out of the Sea (vs 1-10)
G. The Beast out of the earth (vs 11-18)
XI. Chapter 14 - Eight Considerations in Judgment of the earth
A. The Lamb (vs 1)
B. The 144,000 (vs 2-5)
C. The Angel with the everlasting gospel (vs 6-9)
D. The 2nd angel with the destruction of Babylon (vs 8)
E. The 3rd angel with the doom of the beast and his worshippers (vs 9-11)
F. The Patience of the saints (vs 12-13)
G. The Reaping of the earth (vs 14-16)
H. The Vision of Armageddon (vs 17-20)
XII. Chapter 15 - Six considerations before the pouring out of the vials
A. The sign in heaven (vs 1)
B. The sea of glass (vs 2)
C. The standing saints (vs 3)
D. The singing saints (vs 3-4)
E. The seven angels (vs 6-7)
F. The smoke of God's glory (vs 8) - Holy Wrath
XIII. Chapter 16 - 18 - Seven great things
A. A great voice (vs 1)
B. A great wrath (vs 2-21)
C. A great rebellion (9, 11, 21)
D. A great warning (vs 15)
E. A great gathering (vs 16)
F. A great whore (chapter 17)
H. A great judgment (chapter 18)
XIV. Chapter 19 - Four Perspectives
A. Rejoicing in Heaven (vs 1-6)
B. Readiness of the Bride (vs 7-10)
C. Return of Christ (vs 11-16)
D. Result of Armageddon (vs 17-21)
XV. Chapter 20 - Seven Dooms
A. Doom of Babylon (Ch 17-18)
B. Doom of the Beast (19:19)
C. Doom of the false Prophet (19:20)
D. Doom of the remnant armies (19:21)
- Establishment of the Millenial Kingdom (20:1-6)
E. Doom of Gog and Magog (20:7-9)
F. Doom of Satan (20:10)
G. Doom of the Wicked Dead (20:11-15)
XVI. Chapter 21-22 - Seven New Things
A. A New Heaven (vs 1)
B. A New Earth (vs 1)
C. A New People (vs 2-8)
D. A New Jerusalem (vs 9-21)
E. A New Temple (vs 22)
F. A New Light ( vs 23-27)
G. A New Paradise (Chapter 22)
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Psalm 18
I. GOD is my Strength. (vs 1-17) see vs 1
A. Strength appreciated! (vs 1) I will love
B. Strength visualized (vs 2) The Lord is my......
C. Strength requested (vs 3-6) The sorrows of death / hell
D. Strength demonstrated (vs 7-17) A storm from God
II.God is my Stay. (vs 18-36) see vs 18
This word is found only in 2Sam 22:19, here in Psalm 17, and in Isaiah 3:1
The context of Isaiah 3:1-10 Illustrates the idea of God being David's stay very well
The stay and staff of Isaiah 3:1 are from the same root.
A. The staff
As one leans on the staff for support in travel and personal deportment.
David knew what a staff was (Psalm 23:4) thy staff – the tool of the shepherd. He was a shepherd.
But the staff can also have bad implications Ezk 29:6-8
B. The Stay
But there is a distinction. David did not say staff here but stay. God was not his crutch, a third appendage that he picked up,
NO! God was his full support.
Isaiah 3:1 – the stay of bread and water demonstrates the complete necessity for the survival of man! Without bread and water man will die.
De 33:27 The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.
David attributes all the good and blessings that he has enjoyed as being the sole response of God to him.!
The idea of stay has the idea of complete trust and only in the object of trust.
Look at the believer's salvation! Trust is reliance on God without a back up plan.
1. The benefits of God being your stay: (vs 19)
a. Brought into a large place
b. Delivered
c. Delighted in
2. The Beginnings of God being your stay (vs 21-38)
a. Keeping God's Word (21-28)
lighten – Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
b. Keeping a humble attitude (vs 29-36)
look at all the times David gives the honor and glory to God for what was accomplished.
c. Keeping a faithful loyalty. (vs 37-39)
Who your enemies are says much about you!
III. God is my Salvation. (vs 37 -50) see vs 46
Great deliverance – vs 50
Ps 74:12 ¶ For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.
Isa 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.
A. Strength appreciated! (vs 1) I will love
B. Strength visualized (vs 2) The Lord is my......
C. Strength requested (vs 3-6) The sorrows of death / hell
D. Strength demonstrated (vs 7-17) A storm from God
II.God is my Stay. (vs 18-36) see vs 18
This word is found only in 2Sam 22:19, here in Psalm 17, and in Isaiah 3:1
The context of Isaiah 3:1-10 Illustrates the idea of God being David's stay very well
The stay and staff of Isaiah 3:1 are from the same root.
A. The staff
As one leans on the staff for support in travel and personal deportment.
David knew what a staff was (Psalm 23:4) thy staff – the tool of the shepherd. He was a shepherd.
But the staff can also have bad implications Ezk 29:6-8
B. The Stay
But there is a distinction. David did not say staff here but stay. God was not his crutch, a third appendage that he picked up,
NO! God was his full support.
Isaiah 3:1 – the stay of bread and water demonstrates the complete necessity for the survival of man! Without bread and water man will die.
De 33:27 The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.
David attributes all the good and blessings that he has enjoyed as being the sole response of God to him.!
The idea of stay has the idea of complete trust and only in the object of trust.
Look at the believer's salvation! Trust is reliance on God without a back up plan.
1. The benefits of God being your stay: (vs 19)
a. Brought into a large place
b. Delivered
c. Delighted in
2. The Beginnings of God being your stay (vs 21-38)
a. Keeping God's Word (21-28)
lighten – Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
b. Keeping a humble attitude (vs 29-36)
look at all the times David gives the honor and glory to God for what was accomplished.
c. Keeping a faithful loyalty. (vs 37-39)
Who your enemies are says much about you!
III. God is my Salvation. (vs 37 -50) see vs 46
Great deliverance – vs 50
Ps 74:12 ¶ For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.
Isa 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
1 Timothy Outline
I. The Exclusiveness of Biblical Christianity (Chapter 1)
A. Hope (vs 1)
B. Faith (vs 2)
C. The Truth (vs 3-10)
D. The Gospel (vs 11-16)
E. God (vs 17-20)
II. The Exhortation Concerning Authority (Chapter 2)
A. Kings (vs 1-2)
B. God (vs 3-4)
C. Christ (vs 5-6)
D. Apostles (vs 7)
E. Man (vs 8-15)
III. The Example of Church Leadership (Chapter 3)
A. Pastors (vs 1-7)
B. Deacons (vs 8-13)
C. Apostles (vs 14-15)
D. Christ (vs 16)
IV. The Exercising unto Godliness (Chapter 4)
A. Departure from the faith (vs 1-3)
1. Listening (vs 1)
2. Speaking (vs 2-3)
B. Determination unto Godliness (vs 4-16)
1. Receive what God gives (vs 4-5)
2. Remember (vs 6)
3. Refuse (vs 7)
4. Resort to Godliness (vs 8-16)
a. labour (vs 10)
b. suffer (vs 10)
c. command (vs 11)
d. teach (vs 11)
e. exemplify (vs 12)
f. attendance (vs 13)
g. exercise your gift (vs14)
h. meditate (vs 15)
i. give yourself wholly (vs 15)
j. take heed (vs 16)
V. Examination of People (Chapter 5)
A. Older Men (vs 1)
B. Young Men (vs 1)
C. Older women (vs 2)
D. Younger women (vs 2)
E. Widows (vs 3-16)
F. Pastors (vs 17-20)
G. Instruction (vs 21-25)
VI. Exchanging the temporal for the eternal (Chapter 6)
A. Personal Rights (vs 1-5)
B. Personal Property (vs 6-10) & (vs 17-19)
1. The value of contentment (vs 6)
2. The logic of contentment (vs 7)
3. The parameters of contentment (vs 8)
4. The importance of contentment (vs 9-10)
C. Personal Responsibility (vs 11-16) & (vs 20-21)
1. Flee irresponsibility (vs 11)
2. Follow after godliness (vs 11)
3. Fight the good fight(vs 12)
4. Focus on Christ (vs 13-16)
5. Faith (vs 20-21)
A. Hope (vs 1)
B. Faith (vs 2)
C. The Truth (vs 3-10)
D. The Gospel (vs 11-16)
E. God (vs 17-20)
II. The Exhortation Concerning Authority (Chapter 2)
A. Kings (vs 1-2)
B. God (vs 3-4)
C. Christ (vs 5-6)
D. Apostles (vs 7)
E. Man (vs 8-15)
III. The Example of Church Leadership (Chapter 3)
A. Pastors (vs 1-7)
B. Deacons (vs 8-13)
C. Apostles (vs 14-15)
D. Christ (vs 16)
IV. The Exercising unto Godliness (Chapter 4)
A. Departure from the faith (vs 1-3)
1. Listening (vs 1)
2. Speaking (vs 2-3)
B. Determination unto Godliness (vs 4-16)
1. Receive what God gives (vs 4-5)
2. Remember (vs 6)
3. Refuse (vs 7)
4. Resort to Godliness (vs 8-16)
a. labour (vs 10)
b. suffer (vs 10)
c. command (vs 11)
d. teach (vs 11)
e. exemplify (vs 12)
f. attendance (vs 13)
g. exercise your gift (vs14)
h. meditate (vs 15)
i. give yourself wholly (vs 15)
j. take heed (vs 16)
V. Examination of People (Chapter 5)
A. Older Men (vs 1)
B. Young Men (vs 1)
C. Older women (vs 2)
D. Younger women (vs 2)
E. Widows (vs 3-16)
F. Pastors (vs 17-20)
G. Instruction (vs 21-25)
VI. Exchanging the temporal for the eternal (Chapter 6)
A. Personal Rights (vs 1-5)
B. Personal Property (vs 6-10) & (vs 17-19)
1. The value of contentment (vs 6)
2. The logic of contentment (vs 7)
3. The parameters of contentment (vs 8)
4. The importance of contentment (vs 9-10)
C. Personal Responsibility (vs 11-16) & (vs 20-21)
1. Flee irresponsibility (vs 11)
2. Follow after godliness (vs 11)
3. Fight the good fight(vs 12)
4. Focus on Christ (vs 13-16)
5. Faith (vs 20-21)
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
3rd John Outline
I. Prospering in truth (1-4)
II. Participating in truth (5-8)
A. A Faithful work (5)
B. A Forwarding work (6-7)
C. A Fellow-helping work (8)
III. Prating against the Truth (9-11)
A. Preeminence (9)
B. Prating (10) = empty malicious talk
C. Prideful (10-11)
IV. Presenting in the truth (11-12)
A. Report of all men (11-12)
B. Report of the truth itself (12)
C. Report of God's man (12)
V. Peace in the truth (13-14)
II. Participating in truth (5-8)
A. A Faithful work (5)
B. A Forwarding work (6-7)
C. A Fellow-helping work (8)
III. Prating against the Truth (9-11)
A. Preeminence (9)
B. Prating (10) = empty malicious talk
C. Prideful (10-11)
IV. Presenting in the truth (11-12)
A. Report of all men (11-12)
B. Report of the truth itself (12)
C. Report of God's man (12)
V. Peace in the truth (13-14)
1 Thessalonians Outline
I. Paul's Memory (Chapter 1)
A. His Greeting (1)
B. His Gratitude (2-5)
C. His Gain (6-10) cf (2:19)
II. Paul's Mindset (Chapter 2)
A. Attitude in ministry (1-4)
B. Actions of ministry (5-13)
1. An Apostle (6)
2. A Nurse (7)
3. A Father (12)
C. Attacks in ministry (14-18)
D. Appearing after ministry (19-20)
III. Paul's Ministry (Chapter 3)
A. Selflessness (1-2)
B. Sovereignty (3-4)
C. Satan (5)
D. Standing (6-8)
E. Supplication (9-10)
F. Stablished (11-13)
IV. Paul's Message (Chapter 4-5)
A. Chapter 4
1. Abounding (1-2)
2. Abstaining (3-12)
3. Ascending (13-18)
B. Chapter 5
1. Seasons (1-3)
2. Sleeping (4-7)
3. Soberness (8-22)
4. Sanctification (23-28)
A. His Greeting (1)
B. His Gratitude (2-5)
C. His Gain (6-10) cf (2:19)
II. Paul's Mindset (Chapter 2)
A. Attitude in ministry (1-4)
B. Actions of ministry (5-13)
1. An Apostle (6)
2. A Nurse (7)
3. A Father (12)
C. Attacks in ministry (14-18)
D. Appearing after ministry (19-20)
III. Paul's Ministry (Chapter 3)
A. Selflessness (1-2)
B. Sovereignty (3-4)
C. Satan (5)
D. Standing (6-8)
E. Supplication (9-10)
F. Stablished (11-13)
IV. Paul's Message (Chapter 4-5)
A. Chapter 4
1. Abounding (1-2)
2. Abstaining (3-12)
3. Ascending (13-18)
B. Chapter 5
1. Seasons (1-3)
2. Sleeping (4-7)
3. Soberness (8-22)
4. Sanctification (23-28)
Galatians Outline
I. Paul's Greeting (1:1-5)
A. God's Call (vs 1)
B. God's People (vs 2)
C. God's Blessings (vs 3)
C. God's Salvation (vs 4)
D. God's Glory (vs 5)
II. Paul's Marvelling (1:6-9)
A. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Rom 1)
B. The Gospel is the plan of God for Salvation (1Cor. 15:1-4)
III. Paul's Calling (1:10-2:16)
A. Pleasing God (1:10-15)
B. Pursuing God (1:11-2:14)
IV. Paul's Defending (2:15-5:12)
A. Legalism Called another Gospel (Ch 1)
B. Legalism Demonstrated (Acts 15:1, 5)
C. Legalism Refuted (Gal 2:15-5:12)
1. Legalism frustrates the grace of God (2:15-21)
2. Legalism disobeys the truth (3:1)
3. Legalism rejects the reality of the Holy Spirit (3:2-5)
4. Legalism compromises the Abrahamic covenant (3:6-18)
5. Legalism rejects the purpose of the law (3:19-24)
6. Legalism shuns true faith and sonship (3:25-4:7)
7. Legalism accepts bondage over blessedness (4:8-18)
D.Legalism illustrated through allegory (4:19-31)
1. 2 sons (Gen 16-21)
a. Ishmael - Flesh
b. Isaac - Faith
2. 2 covenants
a. Mosaic - Death (Ex 19:5-8)
b. New - Life (Jer 31:31)
3. 2 Jerusalems
a. Earthly
b. Heavenly
E. Legalism is falling from grace (5:1-12) cf (1Jn 2:18-19) (1Cor 15:2) (Gal 4:19-20)
* not saving grace but the grace that God has offered his gift.
1. Liberty (vs 1)
2. Love (vs 6)
3. Leaven (vs 9)
F. Legalism was rejected by the Church (Acts 15:6-31)
V. Paul's Exhorting (5:13-6:17)
A. Love vs Lust (5:13-17)
B. Leadership vs Law (5:16-26)
1. Directive (16)
2. Dichotomy (17)
3. Deliverance (18)
4. Darkness (19-21)
5. Delight (20-23)
C. Living vs Laboring (5:25-6:10)
1. Refuse prideful behavior (5:26)
2. Restore overtaken brethren (6:1-3)
3. Rejoice in your own work (6:4-5)
4. Reimburse your teachers (6:6)
5. Reap (6:7-9)
6. Render good to all (6:10)
D. Looking vs Leaving (6:11-16)
1. Paul's large letter (6:11)
2. People who glory in the flesh of others (6:12-13)
3. Preachers who glory in the cross (6:14)
4. Peace to those who discount circumcision but value new creatures (6:15-16)
IV. Paul's Closing (6:17-18)
A. Authority through suffering (vs 17)
B. Availability of grace (vs 18)
A. God's Call (vs 1)
B. God's People (vs 2)
C. God's Blessings (vs 3)
C. God's Salvation (vs 4)
D. God's Glory (vs 5)
II. Paul's Marvelling (1:6-9)
A. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Rom 1)
B. The Gospel is the plan of God for Salvation (1Cor. 15:1-4)
III. Paul's Calling (1:10-2:16)
A. Pleasing God (1:10-15)
B. Pursuing God (1:11-2:14)
IV. Paul's Defending (2:15-5:12)
A. Legalism Called another Gospel (Ch 1)
B. Legalism Demonstrated (Acts 15:1, 5)
C. Legalism Refuted (Gal 2:15-5:12)
1. Legalism frustrates the grace of God (2:15-21)
2. Legalism disobeys the truth (3:1)
3. Legalism rejects the reality of the Holy Spirit (3:2-5)
4. Legalism compromises the Abrahamic covenant (3:6-18)
5. Legalism rejects the purpose of the law (3:19-24)
6. Legalism shuns true faith and sonship (3:25-4:7)
7. Legalism accepts bondage over blessedness (4:8-18)
D.Legalism illustrated through allegory (4:19-31)
1. 2 sons (Gen 16-21)
a. Ishmael - Flesh
b. Isaac - Faith
2. 2 covenants
a. Mosaic - Death (Ex 19:5-8)
b. New - Life (Jer 31:31)
3. 2 Jerusalems
a. Earthly
b. Heavenly
E. Legalism is falling from grace (5:1-12) cf (1Jn 2:18-19) (1Cor 15:2) (Gal 4:19-20)
* not saving grace but the grace that God has offered his gift.
1. Liberty (vs 1)
2. Love (vs 6)
3. Leaven (vs 9)
F. Legalism was rejected by the Church (Acts 15:6-31)
V. Paul's Exhorting (5:13-6:17)
A. Love vs Lust (5:13-17)
B. Leadership vs Law (5:16-26)
1. Directive (16)
2. Dichotomy (17)
3. Deliverance (18)
4. Darkness (19-21)
5. Delight (20-23)
C. Living vs Laboring (5:25-6:10)
1. Refuse prideful behavior (5:26)
2. Restore overtaken brethren (6:1-3)
3. Rejoice in your own work (6:4-5)
4. Reimburse your teachers (6:6)
5. Reap (6:7-9)
6. Render good to all (6:10)
D. Looking vs Leaving (6:11-16)
1. Paul's large letter (6:11)
2. People who glory in the flesh of others (6:12-13)
3. Preachers who glory in the cross (6:14)
4. Peace to those who discount circumcision but value new creatures (6:15-16)
IV. Paul's Closing (6:17-18)
A. Authority through suffering (vs 17)
B. Availability of grace (vs 18)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Psalm 17
I. God's Sentence (vs 1-3)
God's judgment of David was not a scary or terrifying situation to David.
David was ready for it, David longed for it.
He was confident in his righteous behavior.
He was confident in his just condition.
David had been proven of the Lord! (vs 3)
II. God's Salvation (vs 4-7)
A. God's deliverance is in His word (vs 4)
B. God's deliverance is in his path (vs 5)
C. God's deliverance is in his response to prayer (vs 6)
D. God's deliverance is in his power (vs 7)
III. God's Shadow (vs 8-12)
A. Keep me as The apple of the eye.
How God has proven his care of man by placing the eye in such a protected position!
1)The bone structure of the face!
2)The resilience of the eye itself
3)The quick response of the eyelid
4)The filter of the eyelash and eyebrow
5)The proximity of the hands
Zec 2:8 For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.
B. Hide me under the shadow of thy wings
Mt 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
Beneath her fostering wing the HEN defends
Her darling offspring, while the snow descends;
Throughout the winter's day unmoved defies
The chilling fleeces and inclement skies;
Till, vanquish'd by the cold and piercing blast,
True to her charge, she perishes at last!
O Fame! to hell this fowl's affection bear;
Tell it to Progne and Medea there:-
To mothers such as those the tale unfold,
And let them blush to hear the story told!-T. G.
IV. God's Sword (vs 13-14)
Hab 1:12 Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction.
Isa 10:5 O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation.6 I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.
V.God's Satisfaction (vs 15)
Some might argue with me and say that this is David's satisfaction, but I would reply that without God's grace, and God's work in our hearts, we would not seek after God.
We love him because he first loved us! 1Jn 4:19
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Phil 1:6
God's judgment of David was not a scary or terrifying situation to David.
David was ready for it, David longed for it.
He was confident in his righteous behavior.
He was confident in his just condition.
David had been proven of the Lord! (vs 3)
II. God's Salvation (vs 4-7)
A. God's deliverance is in His word (vs 4)
B. God's deliverance is in his path (vs 5)
C. God's deliverance is in his response to prayer (vs 6)
D. God's deliverance is in his power (vs 7)
III. God's Shadow (vs 8-12)
A. Keep me as The apple of the eye.
How God has proven his care of man by placing the eye in such a protected position!
1)The bone structure of the face!
2)The resilience of the eye itself
3)The quick response of the eyelid
4)The filter of the eyelash and eyebrow
5)The proximity of the hands
Zec 2:8 For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.
B. Hide me under the shadow of thy wings
Mt 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
Beneath her fostering wing the HEN defends
Her darling offspring, while the snow descends;
Throughout the winter's day unmoved defies
The chilling fleeces and inclement skies;
Till, vanquish'd by the cold and piercing blast,
True to her charge, she perishes at last!
O Fame! to hell this fowl's affection bear;
Tell it to Progne and Medea there:-
To mothers such as those the tale unfold,
And let them blush to hear the story told!-T. G.
IV. God's Sword (vs 13-14)
Hab 1:12 Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction.
Isa 10:5 O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation.6 I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.
V.God's Satisfaction (vs 15)
Some might argue with me and say that this is David's satisfaction, but I would reply that without God's grace, and God's work in our hearts, we would not seek after God.
We love him because he first loved us! 1Jn 4:19
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Phil 1:6
Hebrews Outline
I. The Superiority of Christ in his Person (1:1 - 4:13)
A. Better than the Prophets (1:1-3)
B. Better than the Angels (1:4-2:4)
1. Inheritance (1:4)
2. Inspiration (1:5-13)
3. Intention (1:14)
4. Invitation (2:1-4)
C. Better than the Creation (2:5-8)
D. Better than the Brethren (2:9-18)
1. He tasted death for every man (9)
2. He is the Captain of their salvation (10)
3. He is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy (11-13)
4. He emptied Himself (14)
5. He destroyed the Devil (14)
6. He delivered the bound (15-18)
E. Better than Moses (3:1-6)
1. He built a better house (1-4)
2. He is the Son not the servant (5-6)
F. Better than the Sabbath (3:7-4:16)
II. The Superiority of Christ in his Priesthood (4:14-10:18)
A. The Call to acknowledge our Great High Priest (4:14-16)
B. The Comparison of three great High Priests 5:1-10)
1. Aaron (5:1-4)
2. Christ (5:5-9)
3. Melchisedec (5:6-10)
C. The Concern over Spiritual Immaturity (5:11-6:12)
1. The Pictures of Immaturity (5:11-14)
a. Dull of hearing (11)
b. Untaught (12)
c. Babies (13)
2. The Problems of Immaturity (6:1-6)
3. The Parable of Immaturity (6:7-9)
4. The Persuasion of Maturity (6:10-12)
5. The Print of Maturity (6:13-19)
D. The Connection of Melchisedec (6:19-7)
1. The History of Melchisedec (7:1-3)
a. His Place (1)
b. His Person (2-3)
2. The Tithes to Melchisedec (7:4-10)
3. The Order of Melchisedec (7:11-28)
a. A Better Hope (19)
b. A Better Oath (21)
c. A Better Testament (22)
d. A Better Priesthood (24)
e. A Better Salvation (25)
f. A Better Person (27)
E. The Conditions of the New Covenant (8:1-10:37)
1. A True Tabernacle (8:2)
2. A Better Covenant (8:6)
3. A Greater Blood (9:7-12)
4. A Shadow in the Law (10:1)
5. A Separation of the Veil (10:8) cf Mt 27:51
III. The Superiority of Christ in His Path (10:38-13)
A. The Way of Faith (Ch 11)
1. The Definition of Faith (1-5)
Example 1- Able
Example 2 - Enoch
2. The Constitution of Faith (6-19)
Example 1 - Noah
Example 2: Abraham
3. The Progression of Faith (13-14)
Example 1 - Counting on God's Purpose
a. Isaac
b. Jacob
c. Joseph
Example 2 - Moses - Counting on God's Provision
a. His Lineage (23)
b. His Loyalty (24-26)
c. His Looking (27)
d. His Listening (28)
e. His Leadership (29)
Example 3 - Counting on God's Providence
a. Named People
b. Famed People
i. Delivered from the Enemy
ii. Delivered to the Enemy
B. The Will to Follow (Chapter 12)
1. The Call to Follow (1-3)
2. The Chastening of the Father (4-11)
3. The Caution to the Failing 12-29)
a. Responsibility (12-15)
b. Rejection (16-17)
c. Regeneration (18-24)
d. Reverence (25-29)
C. The Work to Finish (Chapter 13)
1. Christian Service (1-9)
2. Christian Separation (10-14)
3. Christian Sacrifice (15-16)
4. Christian Submission (17)
5. Christian Satisfaction (20-21)
6. Christian Salute (22-25)
A. Better than the Prophets (1:1-3)
B. Better than the Angels (1:4-2:4)
1. Inheritance (1:4)
2. Inspiration (1:5-13)
3. Intention (1:14)
4. Invitation (2:1-4)
C. Better than the Creation (2:5-8)
D. Better than the Brethren (2:9-18)
1. He tasted death for every man (9)
2. He is the Captain of their salvation (10)
3. He is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy (11-13)
4. He emptied Himself (14)
5. He destroyed the Devil (14)
6. He delivered the bound (15-18)
E. Better than Moses (3:1-6)
1. He built a better house (1-4)
2. He is the Son not the servant (5-6)
F. Better than the Sabbath (3:7-4:16)
II. The Superiority of Christ in his Priesthood (4:14-10:18)
A. The Call to acknowledge our Great High Priest (4:14-16)
B. The Comparison of three great High Priests 5:1-10)
1. Aaron (5:1-4)
2. Christ (5:5-9)
3. Melchisedec (5:6-10)
C. The Concern over Spiritual Immaturity (5:11-6:12)
1. The Pictures of Immaturity (5:11-14)
a. Dull of hearing (11)
b. Untaught (12)
c. Babies (13)
2. The Problems of Immaturity (6:1-6)
3. The Parable of Immaturity (6:7-9)
4. The Persuasion of Maturity (6:10-12)
5. The Print of Maturity (6:13-19)
D. The Connection of Melchisedec (6:19-7)
1. The History of Melchisedec (7:1-3)
a. His Place (1)
b. His Person (2-3)
2. The Tithes to Melchisedec (7:4-10)
3. The Order of Melchisedec (7:11-28)
a. A Better Hope (19)
b. A Better Oath (21)
c. A Better Testament (22)
d. A Better Priesthood (24)
e. A Better Salvation (25)
f. A Better Person (27)
E. The Conditions of the New Covenant (8:1-10:37)
1. A True Tabernacle (8:2)
2. A Better Covenant (8:6)
3. A Greater Blood (9:7-12)
4. A Shadow in the Law (10:1)
5. A Separation of the Veil (10:8) cf Mt 27:51
III. The Superiority of Christ in His Path (10:38-13)
A. The Way of Faith (Ch 11)
1. The Definition of Faith (1-5)
Example 1- Able
Example 2 - Enoch
2. The Constitution of Faith (6-19)
Example 1 - Noah
Example 2: Abraham
3. The Progression of Faith (13-14)
Example 1 - Counting on God's Purpose
a. Isaac
b. Jacob
c. Joseph
Example 2 - Moses - Counting on God's Provision
a. His Lineage (23)
b. His Loyalty (24-26)
c. His Looking (27)
d. His Listening (28)
e. His Leadership (29)
Example 3 - Counting on God's Providence
a. Named People
b. Famed People
i. Delivered from the Enemy
ii. Delivered to the Enemy
B. The Will to Follow (Chapter 12)
1. The Call to Follow (1-3)
2. The Chastening of the Father (4-11)
3. The Caution to the Failing 12-29)
a. Responsibility (12-15)
b. Rejection (16-17)
c. Regeneration (18-24)
d. Reverence (25-29)
C. The Work to Finish (Chapter 13)
1. Christian Service (1-9)
2. Christian Separation (10-14)
3. Christian Sacrifice (15-16)
4. Christian Submission (17)
5. Christian Satisfaction (20-21)
6. Christian Salute (22-25)
2 Timothy Outline
I. Paul's Encouragement to Timothy (Chapter 1:1-5)
A. Delivery of Foundational truth (vs 1)
1. Understanding of God's will
2. Under girding of God's promise
B. Declaration of Affection (vs 2)
1. Paul's love for Timothy
2. God's love for Timothy
C. Demonstration of Power (vs 3)
1. Thanking God
2. Serving God
3. Praying to God
D. Demonstration of Godliness (vs 4)
1. Desire to comfort Timothy
2. Being mindful of Timothy's tears cf (Ps 56:8)
II. Paul's Exhortation to Timothy (Chapter 1:6 - Chapter 2)
A. Stir up God's Gift (1:6)
B. See God's Resources (1:7)
C. Show God's Testimony (1:8-11)
D. Suffer God's Reproach (1:12-18)
E. Strengthened by God's Grace (2:1-7)
1. Strength to not be ashamed (1)
2. Strength to commit to faithful men (2)
3. Strength to Fight (3-4)
4. Strength to Run (5)
5. Strength to Wait (6)
6. Strength to receive understanding (7)
F. Suffer in God's Power (2:8-13)
G. Study God's Word (2:14-18)
H. Sanctify yourself (2:19-26)
III. Paul's Examination of Last Days for Timothy (Chapter 3)
A. The People of Perilous Times (1-9)
1. Their sins (vs 1-5) cf (Rom 1:28-32)
2. Their sort (vs 6-8)
3. Their suspension (vs 9)
B. The Persecutions of Perilous Times (vs 10-13)
1. Doctrine (10)
2. Determination (11)
3. Deliverance (11)
4. Distress (12)
5. Deception (13)
C. The Perseverance in Perilous Times (vs 14-17)
1. Continue in the Scriptures (14)
2. Confident in Salvation (15)
3. Complete for Service (16-17)
IV. Paul's Example to Timothy (Chapter 4)
A. A Charge to Keep (1-5)
B. A Course to Finish (6-8)
1. Ready to meet Christ (6)
2. Remembering Faithfulness (7)
3. Rejoicing in Reward (8)
C. A Cloke to Bring (9-13)
1. Diligence (9)
2. Departure (10)
3. Desire for Mark (11)
4. Dispatch of Tychicus (12)
5. Discovering priority (13)
D. A Coppersmith to Consider (14-18)
1. The Vengeance of the Lord (14) cf (Rom 12:19-21)
2. The Voice of Silence (16)
3. The Victory in Christ (17-18)
E. A Closing to Appreciate (19-22)
A. Delivery of Foundational truth (vs 1)
1. Understanding of God's will
2. Under girding of God's promise
B. Declaration of Affection (vs 2)
1. Paul's love for Timothy
2. God's love for Timothy
C. Demonstration of Power (vs 3)
1. Thanking God
2. Serving God
3. Praying to God
D. Demonstration of Godliness (vs 4)
1. Desire to comfort Timothy
2. Being mindful of Timothy's tears cf (Ps 56:8)
II. Paul's Exhortation to Timothy (Chapter 1:6 - Chapter 2)
A. Stir up God's Gift (1:6)
B. See God's Resources (1:7)
C. Show God's Testimony (1:8-11)
D. Suffer God's Reproach (1:12-18)
E. Strengthened by God's Grace (2:1-7)
1. Strength to not be ashamed (1)
2. Strength to commit to faithful men (2)
3. Strength to Fight (3-4)
4. Strength to Run (5)
5. Strength to Wait (6)
6. Strength to receive understanding (7)
F. Suffer in God's Power (2:8-13)
G. Study God's Word (2:14-18)
H. Sanctify yourself (2:19-26)
III. Paul's Examination of Last Days for Timothy (Chapter 3)
A. The People of Perilous Times (1-9)
1. Their sins (vs 1-5) cf (Rom 1:28-32)
2. Their sort (vs 6-8)
3. Their suspension (vs 9)
B. The Persecutions of Perilous Times (vs 10-13)
1. Doctrine (10)
2. Determination (11)
3. Deliverance (11)
4. Distress (12)
5. Deception (13)
C. The Perseverance in Perilous Times (vs 14-17)
1. Continue in the Scriptures (14)
2. Confident in Salvation (15)
3. Complete for Service (16-17)
IV. Paul's Example to Timothy (Chapter 4)
A. A Charge to Keep (1-5)
B. A Course to Finish (6-8)
1. Ready to meet Christ (6)
2. Remembering Faithfulness (7)
3. Rejoicing in Reward (8)
C. A Cloke to Bring (9-13)
1. Diligence (9)
2. Departure (10)
3. Desire for Mark (11)
4. Dispatch of Tychicus (12)
5. Discovering priority (13)
D. A Coppersmith to Consider (14-18)
1. The Vengeance of the Lord (14) cf (Rom 12:19-21)
2. The Voice of Silence (16)
3. The Victory in Christ (17-18)
E. A Closing to Appreciate (19-22)
Colossians Outline
I. Chapter 1
A. The Performance of the Church (vs 1-8)
B. The Prayer of Paul (vs 9-14)
C. The Preeminence of Christ (vs 15-19)
D. The Purpose of Reconciliation (vs 20-23)
E. The Perfection of the Saints (vs 24-29)
II. Chapter 2
A. The Wisdom of God (vs 1-3)
B. The Walk of the Believer (vs 4-7)
C. The Warning against Error (vs 8)
D. The Work of Christ (vs 9-15)
1. Complete in Him (vs 10)
2. Circumcised in Him (vs 11)
3. Baptized with Him (vs 12)
4. Raised with Him (vs 13)
5. Freed by Him (vs 14-15)
E. The Worship of the Flesh (vs 16-23)
III. Chapter 3 - 4:2
A. The Seeking of the Believer (vs 1-4)
B. The Sanctification of the Believer (vs 5-11)
C. The Spirituality of the Believer (vs 12-17)
D. The Submission of the Believer (vs 18- 4:2)
IV. Chapter 4
A. The Christian Ministry (vs 1-6)
1. Knowing (vs 1)
2. Praying (vs 2-4)
3. Walking (vs 5)
4. Speaking (vs 6)
B. The Christian Minister (vs 7-18)
A. The Performance of the Church (vs 1-8)
B. The Prayer of Paul (vs 9-14)
C. The Preeminence of Christ (vs 15-19)
D. The Purpose of Reconciliation (vs 20-23)
E. The Perfection of the Saints (vs 24-29)
II. Chapter 2
A. The Wisdom of God (vs 1-3)
B. The Walk of the Believer (vs 4-7)
C. The Warning against Error (vs 8)
D. The Work of Christ (vs 9-15)
1. Complete in Him (vs 10)
2. Circumcised in Him (vs 11)
3. Baptized with Him (vs 12)
4. Raised with Him (vs 13)
5. Freed by Him (vs 14-15)
E. The Worship of the Flesh (vs 16-23)
III. Chapter 3 - 4:2
A. The Seeking of the Believer (vs 1-4)
B. The Sanctification of the Believer (vs 5-11)
C. The Spirituality of the Believer (vs 12-17)
D. The Submission of the Believer (vs 18- 4:2)
IV. Chapter 4
A. The Christian Ministry (vs 1-6)
1. Knowing (vs 1)
2. Praying (vs 2-4)
3. Walking (vs 5)
4. Speaking (vs 6)
B. The Christian Minister (vs 7-18)
Philippians Outline
I. Christ our Life (Chapter 1)
A. In Salvation (vs 1-6)
B. In Suffering (vs 7-26)
C. In Steadfastness (vs 27-30)
II. Christ our Example (Chapter 2)
A. In Submission (vs 1-11)
B. In Separation (vs 12-16)
C. In Service (vs 17-30)
1. Paul (vs 17)
2. Timothy (vs 18-24)
3. Epaphroditus (vs 25-30)
III. Christ our Righteousness (Chapter 3)
A. Omits Legalism (vs 1-9)
B. Offers Power (vs 10-14)
C. Obtains Perfection (vs 15-21)
IV. Christ our Strength (Chapter 4)
A. Potential in God (vs 1-4)
B. Peace of God (vs 5-7)
C. Presence of God (vs 8-9)
D. Position in God (vs 10-12)
E. Power through God (vs 13)
F. Provision from God (vs 14-23)
A. In Salvation (vs 1-6)
B. In Suffering (vs 7-26)
C. In Steadfastness (vs 27-30)
II. Christ our Example (Chapter 2)
A. In Submission (vs 1-11)
B. In Separation (vs 12-16)
C. In Service (vs 17-30)
1. Paul (vs 17)
2. Timothy (vs 18-24)
3. Epaphroditus (vs 25-30)
III. Christ our Righteousness (Chapter 3)
A. Omits Legalism (vs 1-9)
B. Offers Power (vs 10-14)
C. Obtains Perfection (vs 15-21)
IV. Christ our Strength (Chapter 4)
A. Potential in God (vs 1-4)
B. Peace of God (vs 5-7)
C. Presence of God (vs 8-9)
D. Position in God (vs 10-12)
E. Power through God (vs 13)
F. Provision from God (vs 14-23)
Psalm 16
The Golden Psalm
I. The Preservation of the believer (vs 1-4)
II. The Portion of the believer (vs 5-6)
III. The Praise of the believer (vs 7-9)
IV. The Power of the believer (vs 10)
V. The Path of the believer (vs 11)
VI. The Pleasures of the believer (vs 11)
I. The Preservation of the believer (vs 1-4)
II. The Portion of the believer (vs 5-6)
III. The Praise of the believer (vs 7-9)
IV. The Power of the believer (vs 10)
V. The Path of the believer (vs 11)
VI. The Pleasures of the believer (vs 11)
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