Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Psalm 29

I. The Vision of the LORD (vs 1-2)

     A. The Act of Giving

     B. The Attributes of Giving



II. The Voice of the LORD (vs 3-9)

A list of events to show the power of God in the likeness of a great storm.

     A. Is upon the waters (vs 3)– The thunder is the most loud when man experiences it upon the sea.
     B. Breaks the cedars of Lebanon (vs 5) These trees were the strongest and greatest trees known.

     C. Causes the mountains to skip! (vs 6)

     D. Divides the flames (vs 7) – lightening? - Acts 2 ?

     E. Shakes the wilderness (vs 8) shake = twist, whirl, writhe, tremble

     F. Causes the hinds to calve (vs 9) deer give birth

     G. Discovers the forests (vs 9) – discover= strip bare

III. The Victory of the LORD (vs 10-11)

     A. God sitteth upon the flood (vs 10)
     B. God secures his People with strength and peace! (vs 12)

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