Monday, May 21, 2012

Psalm 32

Maschil of David

Maschil = song or poem of contemplation or meditation

I. The Blessedness of forgiveness (vs 1-2) = Happiness / internal peace

     A. Transgression = Ex 34:7 / Lev 16:16 / 1Kngs 12:19 – rebelled  / 2Kings 8:20 – revolted /
                                     Pro 19:10 – sin /Pr 18:19 - offended

     B. Forgiven = lifted, carried/swept away cf Nu 14:18 = clearing

     C. Sin = cf Ex 32:31 idea of great sin – see Gen 20:9

     D. Covered = conceal / hide / Gen 18:17 – hide / Josh 24:7

     E. Iniquity = perversity / depravity cf Gen 19:15 / 1Sam 3:13

     F. Not imputed = Gen 15:6 counted it / Gen 50:20 – thought it

This portion makes the point that God can make the vilest sinner clean. - God forgives wicked, vile, depraved, rebellious, transgressors!

II. The Burden of sin (vs 2-4)
     A. The spirit of a man (vs 2) - God breathed life into man!

          1. Spirit = wind / spirit man

          2. Guile = deceitful / false

     B. The silence of man (vs 3-4)

          1. silence of confession = roaring of the bones (Job 3:24) (Ps 22) (Ps 51)

          2. chastening likened to:

               a. heavy hand = vs (Ps 139:10)

               b. drought of summer. Cf (Ps 1)

III. The Beauty of relationship (vs 5-11)
      A. Confession and cleansing (vs 5-6)  confess – agreement with God 1Jn 1:9

      B. Compassing of the righteous (vs 7-11)

           a. Songs of deliverance (vs 7)

           b. mercy (vs 10)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Psalm 31

                                                             "I said in my haste" (vs 22)

 I. Observations

     A. Christ our example. (Messianic Psalm)
          (vs 5)          – Christ's statement (Luke 23:46) cf (Acts 7:59)
          (vs 13 -14)  – Christ's statement  (vs 13) - cf (Mt 27:1) (vs 14) - cf (Mt 27:46) (Ps 22:1)

     B. The ultimate measure of a man's patience is seen in how he controls his tongue in the time of    pressure.
    • Psalm 116 see vs 11 – I said in my haste all men are liars. 
    • Beware the Elijah syndrome! – (1Kings 19:18) 
    • Christ – (Is 53:7)
     C. Christian trials are the context of Jas 1:19 ¶ Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

II. Outline 
      A. Terror described of the past (vs 22a, & vs 11)

Here in our text, David admits to making an hasty statement concerning his state before the Lord. "I am cut off from before thine eyes." Here was a misguided determination by David that God did not and was not going to answer his prayer

cut off = destroyed root of this word is found in Gen 1:7 where God divided the waters from the waters
     B. Trusting God in the present (vs 1-21) 
    • Evidenced in prayer (vs 1-5)(9-17)
    • Evidenced in hate (vs 6)(17-18)
    • Evidenced in gladness (vs 7-8)(19-21)

     C. Teaching saints for the future (vs 23-24)
          1. Love the Lord
               a. God preserves the faithful 
               b. God plentifully rewards the proud doer
         2. Be of good courage
              a. The promise of strength
              b. The prerequisite of hope

Psalm 30

Two Types of Prosperity

Ps 119:17; 175

This psalm of dedication is the result of God's chastening in the life of his servant. (Heb 12)

I. A Statement of Purpose (vs 1-3)

               I will exalt you because:
     A. You have lifted me up (vs 1) draw up (cf Pro 20:5)
     B. You have preserved me (vs 1) enemies do not rejoice
     C. You have healed me (vs 2) ap'r' rapha' (Ex 15:26)
     D. You have kept me alive (vs 3)

II. A Song of Praise (vs 4) cf (Psalm 97:12)
     A. Where? – To the Lord
     B. Who? - Ye saints of His
     C. Why? - Thanks at the remembrance of His holiness
         (His person and works separate him from all others)
III. A Seduction of Prosperity (vs 5-7a) cf (Ps 73:3)
     A. The cycle of chastening (vs 5)
  • Anger
  • Recognition
  • Duration
  • Reconciliation
     B. The confession of sin (vs 6)
     C. The commitment of trust (vs 7a)
IV. A Savior to Pursue (vs 6-12)
     A. The LORD withdrawn (vs 7b) (Ps 104:19-30)
          1. The face of the Lord speaks of close relationship. (Ps 27:8)(Ps 41:12)
          2. The trouble if the psalmist shows desire. (Ps 13:1)(Ps 27:9)
     B.The LORD petitioned (vs 8-10) cf (Is 38:9-19)
     C.The LORD returned (vs 11)
     D.The LORD extolled (vs 12)

Psalm 29

I. The Vision of the LORD (vs 1-2)

     A. The Act of Giving

     B. The Attributes of Giving



II. The Voice of the LORD (vs 3-9)

A list of events to show the power of God in the likeness of a great storm.

     A. Is upon the waters (vs 3)– The thunder is the most loud when man experiences it upon the sea.
     B. Breaks the cedars of Lebanon (vs 5) These trees were the strongest and greatest trees known.

     C. Causes the mountains to skip! (vs 6)

     D. Divides the flames (vs 7) – lightening? - Acts 2 ?

     E. Shakes the wilderness (vs 8) shake = twist, whirl, writhe, tremble

     F. Causes the hinds to calve (vs 9) deer give birth

     G. Discovers the forests (vs 9) – discover= strip bare

III. The Victory of the LORD (vs 10-11)

     A. God sitteth upon the flood (vs 10)
     B. God secures his People with strength and peace! (vs 12)

Psalm 28

A Psalm of David

I. His Place of Refuge (vs 1-5)

     A. The Lord is our Rock. (vs 1)  (Ex 33:21-22)(Dut 32:4,15,18,30)

     Notice two rocks of Dut 32:31, 37) cf vs 1!
     The pit awaits those who trust in something other than God,

     B. The Lord is our Reward. (vs 1-5)

      Here we find the ends of two ways.

           1) The way of the righteous who trust in the Lord –
                His expectation is wholly in the Lord! (vs 1-2)

            2) The way of the wicked who trust in their own devices.

                 Down to the pit (vs 1)

                 Drawn away – dragged (vs 2)

                 Destroyed – (vs 5)

II. His Praise in deliverance (vs 6-8)

     A. Blessed be the LORD – Kneel before in adoration (vs 6)

     B. Testimonies of the LORD – I am helped (vs 7)

     C. Praise to the LORD – Declaration of his worth (vs 7-8)

III. His Prayer for Others (vs 9)

     A. Save thy people – liberate, deliver, give victory

          1) Ex 14:30

          2) 2Chor 32:22

          3) Neh 9:27 – x2

          4) Micah 7:7

     B. Bless thine inheritance -

Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

Psalm 68:9 Thou, O God, didst send a plentiful rain, whereby thou didst confirm thine inheritance, when it was weary.

Micah 7:18 Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy.

2Ch 15:4 But when they in their trouble did turn unto the LORD God of Israel, and sought him, he was found of them.

2Ch 15:15 And all Judah rejoiced at the oath: for they had sworn with all their heart, and sought him with their whole desire; and he was found of them: and the LORD gave them rest round about.

     C. Feed them – Same word in Psalm 23:1 - shepherd

     D. Lift them up forever – to carry and support

De 33:27 The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.

Psalm 27

A Warrior's Thoughts Between Battles

Other outlines:
I. A soldier (1-3)
II. A seeker (4-8)
III. A servant (9-10)
IV. A student (11-14)

I. Confidence in God's person (1-3)
II. Confidence in God's protection (1-7)
III. Confidence in God's promise (8)
IV. Confidence in God's presence (8-10)

I.  The Desire of David (vs 1-6)
     A. The Lord's person (vs 1)
    1. shining = enlightenment
    2. salvation – deliverance
    3. strength= place of safety (seen as rock, fortress, hold) 
     B. The Lord's protection (vs 2-5)
          1. Enemies exist but they do not overpower (vs 2-3)
          2. Security is having the right foundation (vs 3-4)
    • To desire and seek to dwell in God's house forever. 
    • To behold his beauty = God's pleasantness, delightfulness (see 2Sam 1:26)
    • To enquire in his temple.
           3. Trust and faith has it's reward. (vs 5)

      C. The Lord's praise (vs 6)
          1. Expectation for deliverance (now)
          2. Purpose in deliverance (I will worship)

II. The Determination of David (vs 7-14)
      A . Seen through prayer (vs 7-12)
          1. Request to be heard (vs 7)
          2. Request to be helped (vs 9-10)  - vs 9 forsake in the covenental sense!(Dut 31:1-23)
              a. By God's presence (vs 10)  He will take (gather) (Ruth 2:7) (Ps 26:9) 
              b. By God's path (11) He will teach (cast/shoot before) (1Sam 20:20) (2Chor 6:27) taught
          3. Request not to be handed over (vs 12)
              a. He was not presumptuous
              b. He was not prideful
     B. Seen through pursuit (vs 8)
           1. Sensitive to God's command (vs 8) - (When thou saidst)
           2. Sincere in obedience (vs 8) (my heart said)

III. The Discovery of David (vs 13-14)
     A. Sustained through faith (vs 13)
     B. Strengthened through focus (vs 14) wait =look for

Psalm 26

David's Confident Plea to God for Deliverance.

I. David's request for Examination (vs 1-8)

     A. Four words expressing examination – complete examination
    1. Judge me (vs 1) - (Ex 2:14)(Lev 19:15)(Dut 1:16)
      Use your judicial discernment in my life.
      David requested this in (Ps 7:8 ; 35:24 ; 43:1)
    2. Examine me (vs 2) scrutinize, (Zech 13:9 – try )
    3. Prove me (vs 2) test (Judg 2:22)(1Kings 10:1)(Dan 1:12)
    4. Try me (vs 2) refine through the fire (Jer 9:7 - melt)
     B. Eleven statements of confidence.
    1. I have walked in mine integrity (vs 1) (completeness)
    2. I have trusted in the LORD (vs 1) confident in Him
    3. Thy loving kindness is before mine eyes (vs 3) how he dealt with others and saw God in his life
    4. I have walked in thy truth (vs 3) (stability, firmness)
    5. I have not sat with vain persons (vs 4) (empty, worthless)
    6. I will not go with dissemblers (vs 4) (those who are secretive, hiding)
    7. I have hated the congregation of evil doers (vs 5)
      (Dut 4:42)
    8. I will not sit with the wicked (vs 5) dwell (Gen 4:16)( Mal 3:3- Lord will sit.) (Lot sat at the gate of Sodom(Gen 19:1)
    9. I will wash my hands in innocency (vs 6) observance of one who brought sacrifice to God.
    10. I will compass thine altar (vs 6-7) The one who brought the sacrifice was actively engaged in the sacrifice, they were with the priest while he performed his duties.
    11. I have loved thy house (vs 8) as opposed to sitting with the wicked. - Speaks of regular attendance to worship  
  1. David's request for Redemption (vs 9-12)
    A. Gather not my soul (vs 9) Do not put me in the same category
    B. Redeem me (vs 11) deliverance Ex 14:30, Isa 59:15, 20
    C. Be merciful (vs 11) pity me and show favor

Psalm 25

I. Focus on God (1-6)

     A. Lift up your soul to Him (1) soul = very being

     B. Trust in Him (vs 2) ashamed = disappointed

     C. Wait on Him(vs 3) wait = to look for with eagerness

     D. Learn from Him (vs 4-5) do we want to know the ways and paths of the Lord?

II. Forgiveness (6-14)

     A. Requests from God (vs 6-7)
         1. Request for remembrance of his mercies and long suffering. (vs 6)
         2. Request for the forgetting of our sins. (vs 7,11)
         3. Request for the remembrance of his sheep (vs 7)
     B. Recognition of God's person and character (vs 8-10)
    1. He is good and upright (vs 8)
        • good = pleasant and agreeable
        • upright = straight and correct
    2. He is a help to the meek (vs 9) meek = humble
    3. He is a protection to the obedient (vs 10) keep = guard
      C. Reward for the believer (vs 11-14)
    1. Forgiveness of sin (vs 11)
    2. Instructed in God's way (vs 12)
    3. Ease in God's inheritance (vs 13)
    4. Counsel from the Lord (vs 14)
    5. Realization of the covenant (vs 14)
III. Faithfulness (14-22) 
    1. Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord (vs 15)
    2. I wait on thee (vs 21)