Saturday, October 13, 2012

Psalm 33

National Confidence in the Lord

1Peter 2:9 – A holy nation can have confidence in it's holy God.
  1. The Call to praise God (vs 1-11)
    A. How the righteous are to praise (vs 1-3)
      1. With singing (vs 2)
      2. With significance (vs 3) – new song (fresh)
      3. With skilled playing (vs 3) (Psalm 34:18) pleased
    B. Why the righteous are to praise (vs 4-11)
      1. The LORD is righteous (vs 4-5)
        a. His word is right (vs 4) same as upright (vs 1)
        b. His works done in truth (vs 4-5) cf (Ps 89:49)
          Ex 17:12 – hands were steady
          cf (Is 33:6) stability
          1Sam 26:23 – faithfulness – many times in Ps
          Ps 37:3 – verily
          Lam 3:23 – great is thy faithfulness
          Hab 2:4 – faith    
      2. The LORD is the Creator (vs 6-9)
      3. The LORD is the Counselor (vs 10-11)
        a. The counsel of the heathen (vs 10)
          i. counsel = advice
          ii. devices = inventions, plans
                              b. The counsel of the lord (vs 11)
                                        Thoughts = same as devices above
  1. The Conditions for praise to God (vs 12-22)
    A. The LORD's Deity (vs 12)
    B. The LORD's Discernment (vs 13-15)
      (vs 15) fashion same as Gen 2:7 formed
      (vs 15) considereth = discern, understand, know
    C. The LORD's Deliverance (vs 16-22)

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